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Palm Sunday was a fun and busy day for the youth and children at First Presbyterian!  

The morning began with the Children’s Chimes group playing “Jesus Loves Me” as the Palm Sunday Prelude. All the children and some of the adults took part in the Palm Parade, and later in the service, the Wednesday Night Live Choir sang “Hosanna, Hosanna” as special music.

After the service, children from three years old through 5th grade had a great time hunting Easter eggs throughout the church. Over 250 eggs were hidden in the Chapel, Choir Room, Children’s Library and Upstairs Common Room. All children were given a goodie bag to take home in addition to the “egg candy.”

After a pizza dinner, during the Youth Group meeting time, another egg hunt was held. 229 eggs were hidden throughout the Sanctuary, Children’s Library, Upstairs Common Room and the Choir Room. 235 eggs were found - perhaps some were strays from the morning?! After the hunt, the youth moved on to egg dyeing and decorating. All of the students had fun coloring eggs and using different techniques to make each egg unique. A goodie bag was given to each youth participant at the end of the evening.

We all had a great Palm Sunday sharing fun, food and fellowship!