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Dear friends,

In the spirit of the writings by the Apostle Paul, I call you the Saints of Galesburg, for you have blessed me in a multitude of ways.

Thank you for the shower of emails while I was in the hospital, and the multitude of cards since the accident.  They have blessed my over and over again as I read them and pray for those in each card.

In addition, you have blessed me sending food to fill my freezer.  What a delight it was to have Dave and Marie visit as they brought such wonderful meals. Everything is delicious, and greatly appreciated,  I find it is a new challenge to cook while sitting in a wheel chair, and carrying hot things is nearly impossible while hobbling around with a walker.  Thank you for helping me stay off my foot as it heals.

Finally, thank you most of all for your prayers. They have sustained me as the Lord has blessed me with very little pain in my foot, and quick healing. I spend most of my days with the foot elevated and under an ice pack which is letting it heal quickly.

Thank you again for all the care, support, and most of all the prayers that you have shared. You are truly saints before the Lord.  May you continue to serve Christ faithfully and for the Glory of God who loves us all more than we can ever imagine.  


Pastor Kay