We Are About Changing Lives!

Why get involved in a church?  Because we all need something.  Most of us have empty spots or hidden heartache even if not some big broken thing in our lives.

Work can gives some people a focus.  Family can give some people love and encouragement.  But that isn't always enough.  Life is hard sometimes and many people find that church can be a place that lifts them up and sets them in a positive direction to start their week.  Many people find that church is the best way to connect with a God that loves unconditionally (even more unconditionally than family, sometimes).

Oh, and we can give to service organizations and non-profits, but at First Presbyterian we work hard to ensure transparency and accountability in our mission giving so that when we give to improve people's lives, we know that our money is doing the most good possible and help is being given without condition.

There are lots of ways to connect with our congregation and get involved, but here are a few of the best:

  • Tuesday nights at 6:00pm Knox College and the Galesburg community gather in our dining room to pack food in bags for "Blessings in a Backpack" (to feed children on the weekends when school lunches are not available).

  • On Wednesdays children age 4 - grade 5 have Wednesday Night Live with: music, bible story, a craft or game, and dinner.  Call or Email us to register a child!

  • Sunday morning at 9:30am people begin gathering in the assembly room, outside of the sanctuary for coffee, snacks and conversation.  10:00am we begin worship in the sanctuary!

  • Most Sunday evenings our youth (grades 6-12) have youth group 6-7:30pm!

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